Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'm so misunderstood!

Why( please tell me 'cause I NEED to know) why don't people get my thing with knitting? I'm not ignoring you, and I don't NOT care just because I'm knitting at the same time. I CAN multitasking people! I'm training to be a surgeon for goodness sake! You better hope I can multitask or you may pay for it when you come under my knife someday! It's not a hobby, it's love. I love doing it. I thinking about it, planning the next project, imaging and then buying the yarn...all of it. It's love okay? Just accept that it's not going away and that it doesn't make you less intresting to me or less important. I just love it and I want to do it all the time. I do it during church and I still follow the message just fine. My kids have accepted it and want to play with it too. What's the big deal?


Lorette said...

I know how you feel. I get a lot of eyerolling over the knitting. They'll get over it. My husband has finally come to accept me knitting in restaurants while waiting for food to arrive. And I don't put it away when the neighbors come over any more. It's my house, after all.

gregg said...

You know I understand! I am always trying to find a spare minute to knit. I knit at staff meetings, and I know it looks like I am not listening, but I am listening more I think when I am knitting than when I am not. If I am not knitting, then I am passing notes to my friend or trying to whisper something to her, knitting is better. I just need a spare hour or two with no men (husband, boys)in my house so I can try to read/figure out a pattern without being interrupted. sheesh. I work at my parents marina in the summer and I got two things finished yesterday b/c I was knitting at work!!

Nora said...

Your post made me laugh! I'm studying medicine at Sydney Uni (Australia) and knit whilst reading my textbooks. Mum is constantly threatening to throw everything out as she feels I'm being 'distracted'. The thing is, we CAN multitask! Hellooooo... We wouldn't be medicos if we couldn't (or medicos in training - I'm not quite there yet)!

dobarah said...

I teach, but during ANY sessions when I have to sit still and pay attention, I have to knit. Knitting keeps my hands busy and my mind focused. You are right when you say that others do not understand. How sad for them!