Sunday, November 23, 2008

School is officially out until January 5th. I did well on all my exams and I did well overall for the quarter. Now I can relax and just worry about finding another job to pay my bills while I fork over 820 dollars a month for the next three months to pay for my school tuition. *sigh* I'm so very tired and the mere thought of having to work three jobs again is simply daunting but in all honesty... there is no other way. I'm still working on my soap business but as anyone who has started a business from the ground up knows, it's slow process. I need prayer. Lots and lots of prayer. I've put my application in for several (alright six) positions at the hospitals and one of those positions would definitely be a fighting start because they are all twelve hour shifts leaving me with two more full days off each week to do school work or work somewhere else. I put my application into the restaurant where my husband works to be a waitress part-time. If I get it at least that will be cash each night and that will help immensely. Oh Lord, help me hang in there and wait on you.

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