Thursday, March 13, 2008


It's not really my nature to follow things like soap operas and tv shows, but I am known for getting hooked into series of books (Harry Potter, Outlander, etc.) and movies. Recently (ok, for the past year and a half) I've been hooked on following Podcasts like Lime'N Violet, Cast On, and Sticks and String. David Reidy has never disappointed me but lately the other two have. I can't even really put my finger on what happened or when, but it seems like Cast On has devolved, Phil Donahue-esque, into Brenda Dayne's soapbox and narcissistic launchpad. LNV has always been a little on the silly side but now with Lime only making random appearances and Carin sitting in her stead, it has become rather ridiculous. I still listen to LNV b/c no matter how silly they are I still love them and want to give them cookies... and stuff. Cast On, oth, is no longer in my que. It's just not interesting anymore. Brenda isn't funny to me anymore and as of late she sounds more and more full of herself and more and more whiny. Sticks and String seems to be going along just fine, if not better so every Sunday I eagerly log on to iTunes after church and upload the new episode. I have found some different podcasts that I enjoy tuning into now. They are: Stitch It!, Knit Naturally, Faery Knitting, Hip Tranquil Chick, and Diva Knitting, oh and let's not forget the Knit Picks podcast. I've been a loyal KP customer ever since my first catalog and I really enjoy Kelly's podcasts. I've been told by some local podcasters that I know from work that I would make a good podcaster (at least that my voice is good for casting) but that would have to wait until the summer if it were to happen at all. It's not that it's expensive, it's just very time consuming and I don't have that kind of time right now. Speaking of time, I have had a little more open up now that I'm finished with one of my classes. I still have two Finals to take next week but for now I have a little more time each day to get at least a few rows in. I haven't been able to spin much but I'm looking forward to getting back to the wheels and spindles after my last final. Dad is feeling really beat down right now so cover him in prayer.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You Just Gotta Believe

These are images that should help calm me down. Scotland..... ahhhhh. But unfortunately I can't send them to my dad, who at this time, is way more stressed out than I am. My dad is strong though and I'm positive he will edure. It's not easy being my dad, or my mom for that matter. I've never been an easy child to parent. The words supportive parents takes on a whole different context when it refers to my parents.

It's not that I enjoy them supporting me, I really don't. But having been the difficult child that I was, I've made some really stupid mistakes that have put me at a disadvantage otherwise and being the beings of love and light that they are..... they come to my rescue whenever they are able too. I'm slowly getting stronger on my own two feet, but it's been a long time coming and they are getting tired of waiting. I'm praying that a new job will help tip the scales in their favor but as I've said before that is in God's hands now. It will come though. I've just gotta believe.

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Yesterday it started snowing. It kept snowing. It's still snowing. So far we've gotten over five inches and it looks like we'll top out at about eight to ten. Not spectacular, but it's fun to see nonetheless. This is the view when I open my back door.

This is what it looks like when I open my front door. That's not a drift either, it's how high the snow is on my front porch.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Maybe not.....

Doesn't look good for the University Hospital position after checking on the STNA thing. I'd have to take a refresher course and then take the test. Now, the gal who called me is checking with staffing to see if the STNA thing is a deal breaker, but I'm thinking it's probable a no-go. God willing it's not, but if it is then I know it just wasn't His will for me to have the job and there will be a better suited position for me elsewhere or perhaps down the road. No worries. If God be for me... who can be against me? Tonight whatever else this day had brought, I will knit and have a beer. I plan to spin a little on Anya as well. We're expecting this ginormous snow storm to start in tonight but knowing our local weather people... we'll barely get a dusting. A huge storm would be swell b/c I'd really like a day to just chill, knit, spin, read, and hang out. Well, we'll see.

Pray for Me

I got a call I'd been waiting for today. I have an interview at University Hospital in Cincinnati on Tuesday the eleventh. I'm super excited but also super nervous. If God wants me to get this job I know I will, but I'm going to do everything possible to sell myself. The obstacle I face in that I never took the State Test for Nurse Aide after I finished the class and it's been too long now, I believe, for me to take it. I finished the class in the winter of 2005 and you only have two years to take the test before you have to retake the class. This could be a big problem but let's pray that it will all work out in my favor. This is a third shift, full-time position at a wonderful hospital and it seems to be the job that I've been praying for. I really hope this works out.